Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Friendship sometimes may just come and go. i'm so glad that i have a group of friends that
always there. Every weekends we will spend most of our time together to chat, laugh, play. Lots
of exciment in our life. Some of my friends that i knew them since very young and now we still
hang out together. Most of us also serve in our youth meetings.
This is the picture where we always gather together to sing songs, listen to the word of God. That is YOUTHAFLAME. yEAH........

The March babies.........

Besides that, i also have a few of my college friends that we always hang out together. Thank God that He gave me of lovely friends surrounding me. I use to have a very close friends that also hang out together but we no longer close. Sometimes i also wondering "those were the times".

I don't know why today i will write about this, just suddenly came out from my mind. Maybe i just too free. Just thougt of holiday mood. MELISSA WAKE UP!!!! Start studying. Time will never wait for you!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

The time flies like nobody business. Its already the month of March. What i've been done for the past one month. Last month i've been helping my friend's sister's Organic Shop. I've learn lots of knowledge about organics stuff. The most important thing that going into organic is to quit eating MEAT...MEAT!!!!...But sorry la...i scared.. cuz i've been eating meat since very very young. you've call me not to eat meat at all. IMPOSSIBLE!!! The people there is like taking control of me,like brain wash me not to eat meat. Yeah..i can say organic food are very health but to me as long i take control on my food and diet i think should be alright. Totally stop eating meat, sorry i cant do.
I've tried not to eat me for two days....OH MY GOSH...i would rather die. Besides that, organic food are super expensive, vegetables, fruits...wow...when you see the price, i would rather eat other stuff.. But, i agreed with them that, are very healthy for our health,i've no doubt about it. Really really sorry, meat is my very good friend. I really cant leave without him. For the past one month of February, people there just giving me lectures about ORGANICS!!!

Anyway, now...classes have already started. But i'm still in the holiday mood. This semester is the short semester so everything will be more busy and rush...Hopefully i may cope up with it. Assignments, Presentations, Mid-term test....Oh no!!!!I really not ready yet!!!