Happy 2011!!!!! ~~~
It's new year, New beginning, new vision, mission and everthing new. Year 2010, it has been a great year ahead but this year i know it's gonna be greater ahead. I know that, God has provided everything and i'm ready for everthing. =D
Well, beginning of this year started with a great 2011 because i went for a trip with both of my lovely friends, Sarah & Nessa to Taiwan. We had a great experience, seeing their culture, lifestyle, FOODS, environment, etc. It was a nice/great opportunities and have fun and at the same time our relationship getting better. Started pretty awesome year ahead.
Basically,we were there mostly eat eat eat eat and yes....EAT!!
Beside that, it was 9 degree, freaky cold... winter time. Overall it was FUN, AWESOME trip! Luckily we had the most friendly, talkative tour guide ever. From morning till night talk talk talk non-stop. ...He introduce to us lotsa nice food, and bring us to beautiful places.. but the most important thing was God protected us troughtout the journey! yay~~ =D
Taiwan was just wonderful country that we wont regret going.
hhmmmm.... When is the next trip??? haha...still thinking...
Now, almost end of January, been a pretty cool month, lotsa yam cha session, dinner sessions, etc...
Recently, just had a farewell dinner for my lovely friend, Natalie, as she going to Singapore to work. So, we had a dinner for her.. Yes!!! our favourite Korean BBQ~~~~
Pretty awesome gathering we had for her... Overall its nice..
This year i really hope that, i may get more closer to my lovely friends, enjoy every moment with them. Treasure every time that we meet.
Nevertheless, i may Evangelise to them, sharing the good new, letting them know how great is God is. God's love for us. Growing Deep, Reaching Out!
This is one of the main priority. It would be a great year!
Chinese New Year, it's around the corner. This is the time were we can meet up with our relatives back and together celebrate the new year festive session.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you,