Saturday(30/06/2007)- last saturday i went to church for dinner. we have special dinner for all the youths is our church. Our youth ministry call as YOUTHAFLAME. We had steaboat for our dinner and is cook my our friend, Sarah. Our future CHEF. hahaahhaha... We really have fuin at that time, before the dinner starts, one of my friend,david. he pretend to be a chef,and teacher us how to cook tom yam. i took the video of him saying that but i cant upload him,scared later he will come and kill me...hahaahha.....after finish our dinner..all the guys wash the plates...i think they are really enjoying washing the plates...after awhile,we had nothing to do...we took some picture of our youth... some of them went back already,so didn't get to take the picture. HERE WE ARE......=)

what is going on our there.....
That's all for today..... happy day and may God bless you.....=)
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