Time flies and its end of August already... It has been great month. Has been working good.... Evengelism event went successful... Finished "Evengelism today course"... Talking about "There is Hope". I'm so glad that, it went successful, prayers were answer. All Glory to God! phew.....at last i can make it for my testimony. Turn out good, cant even believe it. I thought i'm gonna be nervous but i know that time God is with me. As His word said, BE STRONG AND COURAGEOUS! God has been good to me.
Besides that, feel so touch after going to Jaeson Ma's concert. Deep in my heart, i know that, we have to start to stand up and reach out to the people who are in need. It is a great opportunity to see how God's testimony to Love, to be more passionate. I realize that, i need to be more loving, to be more passionate. Nowadays, youngsters got influence by media, entertainment, music, etc. HOw they react, how they feel, how they behave,etc...All the actions they do, to look cool, is all influence by society. So,how do we need to make a change in their life? hmmm..... Actually, i got no idea...well all i can do or we can do is telling them there's hope, there's future if we believe in Him. Cause with God all things are possible. I feel so bless after going to the concert. I know that, we can make difference in our Youth. =)

yeapy..... besides going wonderful concert, i also had fun spending time with my church friends, ex-schoolmates. Oh ya, love going mamak to0..
It become one of my favourite place to hang out, fellowship with friends. hahaha...good time!
Not too long ago, just few days back, went to friends 21st Birthday and yes...had lotsa fun, good fellowship again and also able to meet old friends were there. Some came back from oversea. Treasure those moment! and guess what....feel old already. haha...
I'm so happy that, all seems to be more joyful. Each day, i spend my time to the max with happiness.
Some beautiful pictures with friends.....
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