Friday, March 28, 2008

Another brand new day... Last week meeting up with my secondary school friends at the same time celebrate my friends birthday,Joey. My childhood friend. I knew her since we were in primary school. It has been good relationship all this while. I'm very glad i had such a good friendSome of the pictures,i knew them since primary. We really enjoying ourselves.

Anyway, my presentation has just over.Now i can fully concentrate on my mid-term and finals too. Everything has been rushing. Weekends has to serve in the church. But i'm enjoying every part of my life now. Everyday has a new challenge coming up and i'm ready to handle it. This is what i think my destination is all about in my life. My friends out there are you enjoying your life?

Yesterday my friends ask me, if one person has already do wrong and hope for a second chance,why cant let them have a second chance?Some of the people don't really want to join the group. She asked me!! To me, everyone should have given a chance,they might be wrong but somehow the action that the group are doing is not right or maybe the first impression is very important to them, the group has already ruin it. So,the people hardly can accept the second chance. Besides that, maybe some of them tried very hard to mix with the group but the group just ignore and don't care. This fulfillment is very hard to let people to accept again. Many people have many sets of opinion and is very hard to brain wash them. What we can do is just wait and handle with care. If the group continue to do nothing and thinks that their own things is much more important, i can tell you that you'll never get back the love,the care, the laugh that they use to have. Human being are like that, the first time gets hurt it really hard to get them back again.

Friday, March 21, 2008


Another day for hearts of Melissa to speak it out. Everyday we will meet up with new things,new challenge. Is that the purpose of life??Like somebody said,"happiness is not our destination,is a method of life. It's true! I believe that. Is a way to let us go through some memorable moments with others. The way that it should be,i think!

I've watched the Singapore series called. "Mars and Venus". Its pretty good show that teaches appreciate one another and not easily quarrel and in the end both parties regret and jealousy shown on the face. Even though, it cant apply to unmarried couple but it kinda similar in a relationship and to normal friends too. As far as i know, in a conversation we ,no matter talking to who, we must have good interaction, never ever step down's other people's suggestion/decision and so on. Let things be as smoothly as it is. I'm sure it will turn out really good. Like this show say, "Short hair can always grow again, HAPPINESS that is list may not be found again, Don't take a happy relationship for granted,a lasting happy relationship needs to be worked at".Actually in the real phrase is not relationship,is marriage.I'm sure is can be say in a relationship,it depends how we see it only.Because this shows overall is talking about the married couple or in a relationships became married couple and at the same time through the process there are ups and downs between the both parties. In the end,the ending,end up everyone learn how to appreciate one another.

Sometimes is really hard to know our surrounding feeling.Really hard to predict and never know what are they thinking about. But to know more about this kind of people,we must be more caring and never let them down. Every single problems may solve it,like the phrase says, "a lasting relationship need to be worked at". Which mean we must try to solve every problem even misunderstanding so that it never affect the HAPPY RELATIONSHIP!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Today jason and went to a cafe&restaurant name Nelson Tan.The food is very nice but sadly i forgot to take the food there. I really enjoyed spending my time there. The shop open at Metro Prima. Here are some of the picture that i took.

This is our drink.

We kinda enjoying ourselves there. Eat and chat,drink and chat...oh ya,and help him do the registration form. I'm glad i had such a great friend. People always say "FRIEND FOREVER". Yeah....i can comfirm that we can be friend. This is what i think being a friend must communicate well, hang out together, and so on. haha...some people ask do i have a crush on him. Neh...never...out limit is just until friend that stage. Both of us also have out own relationship. I'm sure jason is very happy with his girlfriend. But sometimes i felt weird because jason will never bring his girlfriend out and i can say said that he spend more time being with us(friend) and not with his girlfriend.hahaha...whatever it is,nothing will affected him or us.

Handsome right??haha...

what is he doing???some more got what. Busy writing his registration form. Took him really long time to make a decision to study at Pulau Pinang. i'll miss you a lot.

I suddenly felt that even though,my friends grew up in church with me but somehow there are some line we may not cross it together. To me,friends are important. friends not just saying "hi" or "bye" is more than that. We have the responsible to know there feelings and never let them aside and not to border something like that.

HAHA...when jason see my blog posting his picture on my blog,he'll kill me man!Anyway...don't care. This is our moment spending time together. I'm there will be more in future. Take Care dude!! Friends outside there, remember your friends sometime also need people to care and help. CHEERS!!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Farewell For DavidYeoh before he leaving to Sabah for National Service.

Today we went to TGI Fridays at The Curve to gave David so call "farewell" lunch before his leaving to Sabah for 3 months training. We'll miss him a lot when his not here with us. His leaving on this coming Wednesday, 19th March 2008. We wont be seeing him this 3 months. Here are the some of the picture we took at The Curve.

David Yeoh,we'll be missing you! love you lotsa....Miss ya....=)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Study,study,study and study,study and study....
This whole week is buying doing my ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR assignment.
This semester is kinda rush.Time really flies. I'm using my time wisely
and never neglect it. Never!!
On Tuesday, i finish my class at 12pm after that i went to my friends house
and discuss assignment because this coming Monday my group is the first want to present.
Only have two weeks or us to discuss.I guess less than a week. Really really rushing. We use 6hours to finish the assignment.WALIOU.....cant imagine it. On that day i reach home around 8pm.Morning class then go for discussion. Really tiring man!
This is call college life. Sometimes is not so flexible also.Need to contribute a lot.
After this assignment,have another assignment coming out and have mid-term test.What should i do man???7weeks for us to study this semester. waliou.....7 week???!!really swt! I hope i able to cope up with it. No relaxing already.

Today just passes as usual. Don't have anything special. Weekend is coming.The time where my schedule as usual. Church practice,CPK and have YOUTHAFLAME. Will meet with my church friends. About the young adults?Neh....not joining. cuz i'm in youth!!haha...yeah,i'm still youth,still young...haha..although i should go young adults service but i prefer stay in youth and serve at the same time i may find trusted friend there and not fake friend. I guess this is what i what now. At this moment, i'm serving God with all my heart,soul and mind.
Never regret serving him,is my pleasure to serve him.

Now my mind is empty and cant think anything. Just now my leader just msn me and call me find the resources for our next assignment.haiz...other want haven't finish now come the new want.ARHG!!!
I think i'm going take a rest now and start to charge my energy so that tomorrow i have enough strenght to do work. TAKE CARE!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

This is the day where i'm at home watching series and never hang out with my beloved.
Yesterday went to Matsuba and had dinner to celebrate my friend's birthday. It was kinda bored.Is not kinda is very bored. I don't is i'm too tired or no communication with them. They were just talking among themselves. Izit really my problem?or they don't have communication with me? or problem with age gap? or i'm not part of their friend?or............there are plenty "or",plenty of "why" question.
Yeah,maybe i'm not the one that they are expected. I'll prefer in a youthful group and not in the glowing group. Saying bye to the GLOWING group. Neh....never able to fit it. This thing will never change,if is my problem ,i've tried my best but still??turn out like that.

Have a ever went to a dinner and just sit down there and say less than 20 words?Do you have a friend only talk with you four words a day??FOUR WORDS!!!! RIDICULOUS!!!!! Women"s heart is just very soft and hurt especially the whole group of people thought that you are transperant . This night was the scary night that Melissa Hew Pui Ling say so little words Is that really me? People change or i'm the one who already change?My six sense told me that i'll never be friends with them because i'm not qualified. My grades not good enough to be their friends. Anyway,never think too much anymore.


Friday, March 7, 2008

"Crucified lay behind the stone,
You live to die,
Rejected and alone,
Like a rose,
Tremble on the ground,
You took the fall,
And you've thought of me,
Above All"

This song's name called Above All.Is one of my favourite song,its remind me that Jesus die on the cross to pay the price for our sin. How great that there's a God where sacrifices His life to washed our sin and the suffering that He paid.It was so worthy of him that,He wants us to worship him and accept Him as our Lord and Saviour. Friends out there which do not know God yet,this is the God where can help you go thru' your difficulty and bless you with many things in your life.

I'm very glad that i knew God as Lord and Saviour.He will help me to go through every step of my life.The decision that i've made and the ministry that i've serve in the church. I believe that he has a perfect plan for my life and have a great future ahead.That's why i always trust Him that he'll by my side to encourage me.Although,sometimes i may complain why God out me in this situation and asking plenty question on why's question.But i i believe that God is in control in everything and never let me go.

To all my friends out there,believe in Him.Believe him that he'll done great things in your life. Today in cell, i've learn that empty your heart,let God feel your heart with happiness,grace and excitement towards Him.And the great thing is He'll done miracles in your life. God bless!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

What's the relationship that really matters us?
Why humans tent to be emo easily?
Is that really matter?
I really have no idea.
Emptiness,loneliness,bitterness...etc... Is that really affecting us?
Yeah,i can confirm that sometimes i do have this kind of feeling,but after awhile it will be alright.The impression people tent to think that,
you are alright and with no worries,
actually is not like that,the heart is full of sadness and bitterness
that people don't really want to border.
They just stick with their own group and chat and don't care how people feels.
That's why they don't grow!anyway.........
Never mind,is a normal issue to me.No friends,no love,no caring no etc..
Its use to disturb me a lot but now,is doesn't matter anymore.
What i've care is as long i do my people,care about people,friends happy then i'll be happy for them and its my duty as a friend.
I hope i've done the best and try to make my friend feel comfortable and all that.

Why relationship so difficult to solve?
In our life, we'll face those problem with family members,relatives, boyfriend,close friends(use to have,now?i also cant predict),what else?
Yeah,its kinda challenging till no strength or don't want to border it anymore.
Btw, MISUNDERSTANDING may affect every relationship if really don't want to care about it.but to me cure or not curing also not a problem anymore cuz no use in a relationship with no trustworthy among us. So, don't care!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Another day gone.Time passes really really fast. This morning i went back to my formal school and take my SPM certificate.
I'm not glad at all to go back to that school,i prefer to have freedom as in dress code,highlighted hair and so on. SMKB really change a lot and they start to build new
buildings. That was so unfair. We formal students contributed a lot to build that stupid building and we didn't get to use it.Especially, that dusty and hot dewan. We only get
to use ONE TIME that is during our graduation day. Really....speechless...dunno what to say anymore.

guess what???somehow,we miss out school canteen's food.We have our brunch there
and not bad the food there.(think back those days we were there eating).
Even tough,i dont like now the secondary school with so many rules
and regulations but i really enjoy may secondary school life with no
regrets. This is what i'm glad of.

College life may not enjoy(as in really enjoy) too much,although the time kinda flexible but a lot studies,presentation,assignment need
to catch up. NO LAST MINUTE REVISION!!never....never.....haha...

Today have my HR lecture. No regret going for that lecture because she's really funny and try to make us write and write and write really much.
She say that coming to lecture not to sit down and watch movie at cinema its
study so whatever she thought us must write down on the notes or
when she'd giving short notes,we must write a lot.Guess what?This is one of the rules and regulation.haha....sadly is when she asked something,nobody will respond,
she will start to repeat the question over and over again till
we answer her.hahaha...that's was so funny.
Not bad lecturer.Really enjoy her teaching but somehow kinda confuse.
Need do work it on,seven weeks is really fast only.GAMBATEH!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Today is my first day of college for my third semester.
wow....two lectures is the morning and one tutorial class in the afternoon.
It was so tiring but i'm happy that i may see back all my friends.
Today's first lecture start of with the subject called Organizational Behavior.
It is kinda unique subject where we learn about humans' behavior
regarding the organization they working on.
I'm a bit restless during the class because its kinda bored,suddenly have to get back into
studies.While the lecture was teaching ,i'm a bit sleepy and everything
but i try my best to concentrate on the teaching.Overall it turn out very good.

This semester i only have three subjects where everything have to memorize and no calculation.
Usually i'm good on calculation and very bad on memorizing stuff,factor...bla bla....
I hope this semester i may do well.
after having my Organizational Behavior lecture and i have Introduction Human Resource Management lecture.I have expected that this subject would be very bored and i will fall asleep in the lecture hall but unfortunately,it turn out that my lecturer is very
funny and make a lot of stupid jokes. Lucky is not that bored too.
All this while,i've been attending lectures where the lecturer did not set any rules and regulation
but interestingly this HR lecturer set alots of rules such as, no talking in the lecture hall,
erm...i know is very common but her ears are really sharp even one person talking she also know.
Besides that,she also set one of the rules which is no handphones in the lecture hall.
What a stupid rules.If have also switch it to silent mood lo but she call us to
turn off. but nobody cares about it.haha...i'm telling you,she can
"dera" the handphones if we really play with it or listen to it while having the class on.
She told us that she can step the handphone and put into the rubbish bin. Do you believe it? I haven't seen her do it before but i guess she was trying to scare us only.
Overall,this lecturer is friendly and i like her too.So,its not bad this semester lecturer.

Lectures starts automatically tutorials also start. Assignment....ASSIGNMENT!!!
WEEK 3 have to pass up already. what??? preparing on presentation too.
melissa ,WAKE UP!!! start your engine and start doing work already.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Another day...

It's another day where sitting at home facing the laptop and watch series. Is this melissa's life???I also don't know.If i have no plan or no classes on,i will watch series the day at night.Sometimes i really think when i become so desperate girl to watch series at that really i want to do??I also don't know why suddenly i will write this blog.Suddenly only...

For the past one month,what did i've done?February is like a dream past thru' on my mind. Time passes really fast.What did i do on the pass February??besides going outstation,went out with friends, like wasting more time than doing the good work.Today already 1st March,college is going to start,my schedule will remain the same everyday.So fast 3rd Semester,i must study hard.double portion of hardworking on my studies!yes....GAMBATEH!!!

Monday i can meet up with my colleges friends already.So long never meet them,miss them very much. Yesterday chat with one of my friend,guess what???she started her relationship with a guy where i cant imagine that she will accept much problem she had gone through in the end they got up that really a FATE for them?so call "jodoh"...anyway,i also hope that they will be happy and never regret making the decisions.yeah...relationship is really complicated if we never handle with care.not only in a relationship with boyfriends or girlfriends,being with your friends even close friends also will have problems.What we can go is just,be patient and must be mature to handle it.Things will go right when we have the wise brain to think. I believe that, no matter what relationship,must have trust from the both parties.This will make the relationship smoother and tolerance is very important.Less problem and less argument.yeap...that's rite!